Hip & Pelvis
Clinical Stations
Explore anatomy and clinical stations relevant to the hip and pelvis. Review BOAST guidelines and common surgical approaches for the ST3 interview.
Utilise the question and answer approach to test learning. Multiple visual aids and mnemonics used to advance learning throughout the sections.
Click on links to explore further.
Click on the below items to explore each anatomy section. Use accompanying images to consolidate knowledge and think how anatomical principles can be applied to the clinical scenarios below.
Clinical Stations
Click on the below items to explore each clinical station. Try testing these with colleagues and use this to do surrounding reading around the topic to further your knowledge.

ATLS & Polytrauma
NOF# (elderly)

Pelvis fracture
NOF# (young)

Native hip dislocation & Foot drop

Pathological lesion
Guidelines, Operations and Approaches
Click on the below items to explore BOAST guidelines, surgical approaches and common orthopaedic operations. BOAST guidelines are summarised into a more methodological order to aid learning.